Interface ContainerRead

Subset of container methods. Needs to be implemented to create decorators. Contains read methods from a Container by RefSymbol.




get: (<T>(ref) => undefined | T)

Type declaration

    • <T>(ref): undefined | T
    • Retrieves the data from the container referenced by the given RefSymbol. If there is no data available it returns undefined but never throws an exception.

      Type Parameters

      • T


      Returns undefined | T

      The referenced data from the container or undefined.

getOrFail: (<T>(ref) => T)

Type declaration

    • <T>(ref): T
    • Retrieves the data from the container referenced by the given RefSymbol. If there is no data available it throws an exception defined by the container.

      Type Parameters

      • T


      Returns T

      The referenced data from the container.

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